Day 3: Lists and Tables QUESTION 1: File: lists.html Description: Create a page with: An ordered list of your favorite movies. An unordered list of your favorite hobbies. QUESTION 2: File: nestedlists.html Description: Create a page that includes a nested list: An unordered list with subcategories as ordered lists. QUESTION 3: File: tables.html Description: Create a table with: Columns for Name, Age, and Profession. Add at least 3 rows of sample data. QUESTION 4: File: tableattributes.html Description: Create a table with: A border. Cell padding and cell spacing. A heading row with bold text. QUESTION 5: File: mergedcells.html Description: Create a table where: One cell spans two columns. One cell spans two rows. QUESTION 6: File: styledtable.html Description: Create a styled table: Use inline CSS to add borders and background colors to the table and its cells. QUESTION 7: File: responsivetable.html Description: Create a responsive table: Use the