Day 4: Forms and Input Elements QUESTION 1: File: forms.html Description: Create a form with: Text input fields for First Name and Last Name. A password field. A submit button. QUESTION 2: File: inputs.html Description: Create a form with: Radio buttons for selecting Gender. Checkboxes for selecting hobbies. QUESTION 3: File: feedback.html Description: Create a feedback form with: A text area for comments. A dropdown menu for rating the website. QUESTION 4: File: login.html Description: Design a login form with: A username field. A password field. A "Remember Me" checkbox. QUESTION 5: File: contactus.html Description: Create a form with: Name and Email fields. A radio button for selecting "Contact via Email or Phone". A submit button. QUESTION 6: File: validation.html Description: Add form validation using HTML5: Use required, minlength, and maxlength attributes for text fields. Use type="email" and type="number" for specific inputs. QUESTION 7: File: fileupload.html Description: Create a form with a file upload option: Use the tag. QUESTION 8: File: formstyling.html Description: Style a form using CSS: Add padding, borders, and background colors to the form fields. QUESTION 9: File: multistep.html Description: Create a multi-step form: Divide the form into two or more steps using JavaScript and HTML. QUESTION 10: File: captcha.html Description: Create a form with a basic CAPTCHA: Display a random number and ask the user to type it in before submitting.