Day 3: Functions and Arrays QUESTION 1: Write a function to calculate the area of a rectangle, circle, and triangle based on the input arguments. QUESTION 2: Create a JavaScript program that finds the largest number in an array. QUESTION 3: Write a script to remove duplicate elements from an array. QUESTION 4: Write a function that accepts a string and returns whether it is a palindrome or not. QUESTION 5: Create a program that sorts an array of numbers in ascending and descending order. QUESTION 6: Write a function that accepts multiple numbers as arguments and returns their sum. Use the rest parameter to handle dynamic arguments. QUESTION 7: Create a program that combines two arrays using the spread operator and adds a new element in between. QUESTION 8: Write a function to clone an object using the spread operator and modify one property without affecting the original object. QUESTION 9: Create a function that merges multiple objects into one using the spread operator and resolves duplicate keys with the most recent value.