Day 1: Theory 1. What is Custom Permission Set 2. What is Permission set group 3. Are Page layout and record type available permission set? 4. What is Apex sharing? 5. What is the difference between Account member and opportunity member? Flows: 1. Create a contact record related to account record using screen flow 2. create case related to account Day 2: Theory 1. Types of different approval process. 2. What is bucket field 3. Difference between role and profile. 4. What is OWD? 5. What is the difference between flow, workflow, and process builder? Flows: 1. Upload file to contact related record 2. Place screen flow on account record page to create related opportunity Day 3: Theory 1. How do you use Data Loader to perform a mass update of records, and what are some common pitfalls to avoid? 2. What is the difference between Profiles, Roles, and Permission Sets? When should you use each? 3. How do you use Data Loader to perform a mass update of records, and what are some common pitfalls to avoid? 4. What is the difference between a Lookup Relationship and a Master-Detail Relationship, and how do they impact data sharing? 5. How do you decide whether to use Workflow Rules, Process Builder, or Flow for a specific automation requirement? Flows: 1. Notify the Account owner when an Opportunity with an amount greater than $100,000 is created or updated(Email alert or send email action) 2. Prevent users from creating Cases outside business hours by showing a custom error message. Day 4: Theory 1. What are the limitations of Flow, and how can you overcome them? 2. What are joined reports in Salesforce, and when would you use them? 3. How can you ensure that a report dashboard displays data accurately for all users? 4. How do you use Duplicate Rules and Matching Rules to maintain data quality in Salesforce? 5. What strategies can you implement to prevent data skew and improve system performance? Flows: 1. Notify the Opportunity owner via email when an Opportunity’s close date is approaching within 7 days. 2. Automatically assign incoming leads to specific sales reps based on lead criteria, such as location or industry. Day 5: Theory 1. What is the difference between a Full Sandbox, Partial Sandbox, and Developer Sandbox? When should you use each? 2. What is the difference between Immediate and Time-Dependent Workflow Actions? 3. How can you optimize Flow performance to avoid hitting Salesforce governor limits? 4. What are the key differences between Flow and Apex, and when should an admin choose Flow over custom code? 5. What are Lightning App Pages, and how do you create a custom Home Page for a specific profile? Flows: 1. Automatically create a Case when a new Lead is created through Web-to-Lead with specific criteria. 2. When all related Tasks for an Opportunity are marked as "Completed," automatically update the Opportunity Stage to "Negotiation/Review." Day 6: Trigger Theory Questions: 1. What is an Apex Trigger in Salesforce, and what are its primary use cases? 2. Differentiate between before and after triggers with examples. 3. What are the limitations of using Apex Triggers? 4. Can multiple triggers exist on the same object? If yes, how does Salesforce handle execution order? 5. How do workflows, process builders, and triggers compare in terms of functionality? Scenario Questions: 1. Create a trigger that prevents creating duplicate Contact records with the same email under the same Account. 2. Create a trigger on the Account object to update the Industry field to "Technology" if it is left blank during record creation. Day 7: Trigger Theory Questions: 1. What are trigger context variables, and why are they useful in Apex Triggers? 2. List five trigger context variables and explain their purposes. 3. Explain the difference between trigger.old and 4. What is the purpose of trigger.isExecuting, and when would you use it? 5. How do you handle both before and after logic within a single trigger? Scenario Questions: 1. Write a trigger on the Contact object to populate the Phone field with the Account's phone number if left blank during record creation. 2. Create a trigger on the Case object that prevents users from closing a case if it is associated with a high-value opportunity (Opportunity Amount > $1,000,000). Day 8: Trigger Theory Questions: 1. What does it mean for a trigger to be "bulkified"? Why is it important? 2. Explain the concept of "governor limits" in Salesforce and their implications for triggers. 3. How can you ensure that your trigger adheres to Salesforce governor limits? 4. What is a trigger handler class, and how does it promote better trigger design? 5. How does the Map collection help optimize trigger performance in bulk operations? Scenario Questions: 1. Write a trigger on the Opportunity object to calculate the total Amount of all opportunities for each Account and update the Account's Total Opportunity Amount field. 2. Write a bulk-friendly trigger that updates the Lead Source of multiple Leads to "Web" if they are created with a blank Lead Source. --- Day 9: Trigger Theory Questions: 1. What is recursion in Apex Triggers, and why is it problematic? 2. How can recursion in triggers be avoided? 3. Describe the purpose of static variables in controlling trigger recursion. 4. How does Salesforce handle errors in triggers, and how can you implement custom error messages? 5. What is the addError() method, and how is it used in triggers? Scenario Questions: 1. Write a trigger on the Task object to automatically create a follow-up task after completion but ensure recursion is avoided. 2. Create a trigger on the Opportunity object that prevents opportunities with Close Date in the past from being saved. --- Day 10: Trigger Theory Questions: 1. What is a trigger framework, and what are its benefits in large-scale Salesforce implementations? 2. When should you use asynchronous Apex (e.g., future methods, Queueable, or Batch Apex) in conjunction with triggers? 3. How do triggers handle cross-object updates, and what are the implications for DML operations? 4. Why is writing test classes for Apex Triggers important, and what are the key considerations when doing so? 5. What is the difference between a trigger and a trigger handler, and when should you use each? Scenario Questions: 1. Write a trigger that prevents bulk updates of more than 10 Lead records at a time and displays an error message to the user. 2. Create a trigger on the Account object to restrict creating new accounts if an account with the same Billing Address already exists.