SELENIUM --------- DAY6 ---- Robot class contextClick doubleClick QUESTIONS(Theory) ------------------- 1.How will you Perform rightClick? 2.How will you perform doubleClick? 3.Write a code for Robot class? 4.In which package Robot class is available? 5.what exception Robot class throws? 6.What is the method to perform rightClick? 7.What is the method to perform doubleClick? 8.Write a code to copy a text using Robot class? 9.Write a code to paste a text using Robot class? 10.In which class contextClick() is available? 11.In which class doubleClick() is available? QUESTIONS(Practical) -------------------- QUESTION 1 ---------- URL : NOTE: Type email in email textbox and cut the email using Robot class Paste that email in password text using Robot class QUESTION 2 ---------- URL : NOTE: Enter anand and select anand using double Click Cut anand using Keyboard shortcut[Ctrl+x] QUESTION 3 ---------- URL : NOTE: Click interview question and Right click cts interview question and Select open link in new window QUESTION 4 ---------- URL : NOTE: Right Click Framework Test Papers and Select Inspect QUESTION 5 ----------- URL : NOTE: Click Model Resume and rightClick resume model 4 the page and click save as. QUESTION 6 ----------- URL : NOTE: Right Click RPA [ below Top Selenium Trends In 2020] and click Inspect QUESTION 7 ---------- URL : NOTE: Click Selenium Test Papaers Right Click Day 6 Robot and select Inspect Question 8 ---------- URL : NOTE: Click login Type a name in email textbox and cut using (control +c) and paste in password using (control+v) QUESTION 9 ------------ URL : NOTE: Click login and type a email in email textbox and select email and right click and click cut QUESTION 10 ----------- URL : NOTE: Select any item and then right click and press open in a new window QUESTION 11 ----------- URL : NOTE: Select any item and then right click and press Save link as